"Of course, what I do is that the Warcraft food business usually sells some dry goods and also buys all kinds of Warcraft fresh meat and dry goods. It is the difference between Chinese businessmen like me!"


He invited Surdak to the paving room and asked, "Baron, do you have Warcraft meat in your hand?"
Surdak looked at this shop with a dozen square meters, and it was actually full of large and small magic boxes. If it wasn’t for the booth outside with all kinds of Warcraft ingredients, he might have mistakenly entered this room. This is a shop selling magic boxes.
"How to buy salamander meat?" Surdak looked around for a circle before asking
"Can you see the color?" The butcher hesitated and asked
Surdak flipped through the magic pocket and dug out a piece of salamander dried meat inside.
The butcher took it and sniffed it, then took out a magic crystal near the salamander dried meat. The whole color crystal was instantly dyed red. The butcher looked up and said to Surdak
"These jerky fire elements are very rich, but you put them too rough. This precious second-order fire Warcraft ingredient is definitely worth buying a magic box to ensure the quality of the jerky. By the way, since you have salamander jerky, it is more precious. I can also give you a good price if you want to sell it!"
Surdak didn’t want to say much, so he said to the butcher, "Let’s talk about the purchase price of these dried meats first."
The butcher touched Hu and hesitated for a moment before saying, "If you answer for a long time, I can raise the price for you by ten silver coins per pound of salamander jerky, but if you are doing this business, I can estimate the total value according to the total amount of salamander jerky, which will not be less than nine silver coins per pound."
"Well, what if it’s salamander meat?" Of course, Surdak can’t sell these dried meats, which he prepared for the Red Dragon. When the butcher talked about sealing the magic box, he asked about the price of salamander fresh meat.
"Of course, fresh meat is more expensive. Twelve silver coins per pound. When you hunt salamanders, remember to prepare more magic boxes. Although it is a little expensive, it is definitely worth it. Like this kind of fire, all materials of the second-class Warcraft body are very valuable and it is worth sealing the magic box." The butcher said that he stretched out his hand and pulled out a magic box to slap his paws.
Surdak didn’t expect the price of fresh meat of salamanders in Bena City to be 12 silver coins per pound.
He nodded to the butcher and casually said, "I see!"
The butcher asked expectantly, "Baron, do you still sell salamander jerky?"
Surdak patted his forehead and said, "Forget these jerkies. I’m going to feed them … and eat them myself! I’ll bring some salamander meat in a few days. By the way, how many pounds of salamander meat can you eat here? "
The butcher heard Surdak say that he wasn’t going to sell salamander jerky, and then he heard Surdak say that he would bring a batch of salamander fresh meat and immediately patted his chest with excitement and said, "Of course, you can’t have too much salamander meat for three or two salamanders."
"Oh," Surdak nodded and agreed, then got up and prepared to leave.
When the butcher saw that Surdak was ready to leave, he quickly took the opportunity to ask, "By the way, do you still sell salamander hearts and poison sacs in your hand?"
Surdak stopped at the entrance of the butcher shop and hesitated before saying, "I came to keep it for a familiar magician. Since you really want to talk about it, I can sell it to you if your price is right!"
The butcher didn’t expect to have the chance to buy the rare fire magic material salamander heart by asking casually.
"A magic crystal for a salamander’s heart and three gold coins for a poison sac is the best sincerity I can give." The butcher gritted his teeth and said that he would pay the price.
"The price is not bad," Surdak nodded and said.
Francis wizard is not so generous, and the price is not half as good as that of the butcher.
Surdak turned and walked to the front of the square table and pulled out a magic box from his magic pocket to set the square table.
"So you have a magic box!" The butcher exclaimed.
Surdak saw his one eye and conveniently uncovered the magic box cover.
This box is full of salamanders’ hearts, which are still beating slightly. The smell of fire elements is instantly emitted from the box and filled the whole hut.
The butcher looked at the salamander’s heart in the box with some dumbfounded eyes, and his mouth was half open as a bell.
Surdak conveniently pulled out another magic box from his magic pocket, and there was also a slow salamander poison sac piled inside …
The butcher took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead with sweat. He collapsed and sat in a chair. He pulled out a kettle from the side and drank an atmosphere at the spout.
In the winter afternoon, a layer of fine sweat came out from the forehead of the butcher.
The butcher put his hand on his chest as if his heart couldn’t bear his body. He asked Surdak with an exaggerated face, "How many salamanders did you kill, Statue of Liberty? When did these salamanders actually appear in droves? "
Without waiting for Surdak to answer, he grabbed Surdak’s cuffs with both hands and implored, "Baron, to tell the truth, these salamander hearts are too much for me alone!"
Surdak glanced at the butcher and said, "As soon as possible, I can wait until the sun goes down."

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