But in the face of this arrow, is it Ogilvy or the original ninth seat Lalor


Show can’t stop it.
Liu Yuan couldn’t help feeling at the thought of this.
No wonder some people say that it is the same as ten seats, but there is a gap between five seats and five seats.
There is not much difference between the average person and ten seats.
There is a huge power gap between five seats and five seats
With the appearance of Ogilvy, Lu Yuan was successfully completed this time.
Destroy Bashedi factory later.
Deal with the matter of the net behind the snake.
It’s not that Liu Yuan needs to worry about things.
Liu Yuan and Oglie held up Zheng Xuan and others together and returned to the college’s law enforcement team.
When these people are handed over to the members of the law enforcement team,
Liu Yuan also followed a sigh of relief.
His ten seats are finally finished.
Oglie looked at Liu Yuan and extended his fist and said with a smile, "Liu Yuan’s schoolmate congratulates you on joining the ten seats."
Liu Yuan smiled and held out his fist and Ogle touched it.
"After that, please take care of your seniors."
Augley smiled a simple and honest smile when he heard this.
"Brother Liu Yuan, you don’t need my care."
"What do you mean?"
Ogilvy looked at Liu Yuan and said seriously, "… warrior intuition"
Chapter 293 The fifth pet beast Uchihiro Blue Cat!
Although Liu Yuan has completed the requirements of ten seats.
But the top ten students in the ten-seat college
Lu Yuan still needs to finish some other things before he can officially put his name.
Put the ninth mat.
Of course, things behind this are not complicated.
Is to decide that you want your own title in the ten-seat system
To do so is to highlight the particularity of the ten seats
It is also the recognition of ten seats.
In terms of system, Liu Yuan decided quickly.
It’s just that the original black system has an extra white coat similar to feather weaving.
The coat will be marked with the ranking of ten seats to which Lu Yuan belongs.
I thought for a long time about the title of Liu Yuan.
After all, there are two core points in his many abilities, one is royal animal food and the other is knife cutting.
After thinking for a long time, Lu Yuan made a decision.
He gave himself the title of "Death"
This title may seem to outsiders to be Lu Yuan’s expression that he is death to the enemy.
Is a manifestation of one’s great strength.
Can Liu Yuan know the meaning of his name?
Because his present ability is very similar to that of those who play with the spirit-cutting knife.

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