Ten meters, five meters, four meters and three meters …


Hangyu Tiger is getting closer and closer.
He was just about to show up and attack.
Bald suddenly turned to look over and grinned, "Idiot has been waiting for you for a long time. See how you escape this time!" "
Was discovered? What’s going on
Probably bald or bald hands have reconnaissance innate skills.
Hang Yu felt it when he first approached, but two of these robbers in the spirit world actually held their horses and deliberately turned a blind eye until Hang Yu approached.
Bald boss directly released a blue wind blade.
It’s more than four feet long, and it’s so fast that it’s almost impossible to hide when it cuts to the neck so close
Bald boss is well equipped, and his spell damage is amazing, so he is confident that even if he can’t kill his opponent, he can at least completely lose the threat.
Hang Yu’s physique is very high, and his body becomes extremely strong. A wind blade can’t cut his neck, but if he is hit, he will suffer a lot of damage.
There is no need for him to bear this attack.
Hang Yu has already achieved level 4 strength, and he can completely hide from the wind because of the considerable increase in response speed, agility and moving speed of the scout.
But don’t miss the opportunity to attack.
Hang Yu didn’t choose to hide, but raised his shield to resist.
Bang, the wind blade, level 3 bright gray shield, leaves a deep cut.
Hang Yu felt some numbness in his arm, but it was only so hurt, but just 2 o’clock was nothing to him!
Not as good as Zhang Xiaoqiang.
Do you still want to kill Hangyu, the current faker? Dream!
Hang Yu’s left hand lifted the shield to resist, and at the same time, his right hand didn’t delay for half a second. The bone spear shone and stung the tiger’s head.
A violent blow!
This attack is too fast!
Tigers will never avoid the possibility!
Slamming is a very powerful melee attack skill!
It can instantly increase strength by 1% and increase the damage caused by attack weapon killing twice as much as that caused by normal attack, and it also has the effect of repelling and stunning!
The tiger was blown away by a spear, and five pieces of equipment and things were suddenly released, like beautiful fireworks.
Light balls are scattered everywhere like fairies.
Very spectacular!
Very shocking!
An extremely lethal third-level judge can barely break the blade by releasing the wind.
A well-equipped, well-defended, level-3 combatant … The other side was killed with one blow!
Chapter 119 Better than killing monsters
Hang Yu stabbed a third-level fighter with one blow.
Not only explode things all over the ground, but also gain some aura.
He found that killing these guys felt better than killing elite monsters.
Hang Yu, even against bronze elites at the same level, can’t say that he is 100% sure to win at this stage. He has to fight back and forth before he can barely kill an careless old driver. He can also roll over and kill these guys. It’s purely crushing.
Kill one and you’ll explode 90 things.
No matter how good or bad things are, the big explosion scene alone gives people a very cool feeling!
There is no doubt that the robbers in the spirit world are completely shocked. They have long discovered that the stealth of Hang Yu is to bring him in. I never thought it was to lure the wolf into the house!
Is this guy still human?
He won’t be a kryptonite player!
You can imagine the result of such a fierce monster breaking into the crowd!
"Give it to me quickly!" The bald boss backed away and roared, "Who can kill him? I’ll get one … two white clothes!" "
When this statement comes out,
The fierceness of that robber in the spirit world was aroused again.
Mom, no matter how strong he is, he is still alone.
Can you really fight the whole team alone? This is simply unrealistic!
"Bind him! Bind him! "
Hang Yu felt her body entangled in weeds and vines.
He unhurriedly drew the last fishbone javelin.
What kind of power will level 3 enhanced throwing+scout bonus+white throwing weapon finally explode?
Fishbone javelin out!
The judge was directly penetrated and suffered 23 points of damage!
Fishbone Javelin continues to penetrate the chest of a fighter behind him, causing 1 damage!
The fishbone javelin went through the soldier’s chest and fell on the wet nurse hierophant, causing 15 damage and nailing the tree.
Three people kill at the same time!
The ball of light exploded all over the sky.
A powerful throw dropped three people in a row!
Hang Yu was attacked by several spells because he couldn’t move, but these spell attacks didn’t create a fatal threat but stimulated the effect of the suit skill "Elf Breathing".

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