"Lao Zhou has something to do?"


"I don’t know if you know that baby patient who is admitted to our hospital by Li Zhu?"
Li Chu was slightly stunned and then asked with some uncertainty, "You said that a few months old child had two tumors in his abdominal cavity?"
"Yes, yes, yes, this is it."
"I heard that you didn’t invite a surgical expert for consultation two days ago. Why? Didn’t you discuss the surgical plan? "
"The surgical plan was discussed, but the success rate of the operation was too low. We also invited several experts in traditional Chinese medicine to look at it, but they were not sure about the treatment plan. We wondered if you could go and see it."
When Li Chu raised his hand and looked at it, he thought for a moment and said, "Well, I’ll go and see that kid at 2: 30 in the afternoon. Are you a surgeon or a pediatrician?"
"Thank you, Mr. Li. We’ll send a car to pick you up."
"No, no, I’ll just go there myself."
"This ….." Lord Zhou hesitated for a moment and then nodded and said, "I’ll wait for you in our inpatient building then."
Wait until the farewell hall is finished. Li Chu goes in and says hello to Premier Liu’s children before leaving with Ding Qiunan who has been helping just now.
At 2: 30 in the afternoon, he appeared in the inpatient building of Women and Children Hospital on time.
After exchanging pleasantries with several hospital leaders, he was led to the pediatric inpatient department
Pediatric inpatient department is almost as noisy as breakfast market, and there are children crying and yelling everywhere.
The poor child lived in the ward of four people. When they went in, the four children in the ward cried one after another as if they were competing for the loudest voice.
"Master Li is this child." The pediatric king walked to the innermost part of the ward.
"Xiao Chen, you put the child to bed. The expert is here."
The king said to a young woman who was coaxing a child
In the ward, all his family members looked at Li Chu curiously. There was one in it. He didn’t wear a white coat.
It’s the first time for them to meet such a young expert.
The child’s mother was about to put the crying child to bed, but the child cried even harder. Li Chu went straight over.
"Come and give me the baby."
"Er … Doctor, my child is shy with strangers and won’t let others hold him."
The crying of the child made the young mother feel distressed.
"I can’t see you holding me. You can give me the baby soon."
It was a magical scene that the child stopped crying after being picked up by Li Chu without looking at his movements.
The child stared at him with big round eyes in his arms and grabbed his uniform skirt with one hand.
He teased the child for two more times at will and giggled.
"Master Li, you coax children. These two are terrible." The pediatric king could not help but sigh with emotion.
"My family is about the same age as this child, and I have been stuck with experience all day."
"You want another child?"
Come with me. Several hospital leaders are surprised to see Li Chu. In their impression, the two children are graduating from college. Why did they want another one?
"What? I asked for another one. It’s Wenxuan, my grandson."
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Montana
It’s his family’s turn to be surprised in the ward. Grandpa so young?
Li Chu was talking here and his hand was not idle there, so he figured out the child’s illness in three or two.
Then he probably watched a film for children.
As he knew before, the child had two tumors in the abdominal cavity, and he was not small, which had crowded and displaced all his organs.
In this case, there is nothing very good for him to do. It is unrealistic to expect medicine to eliminate those two tumors.
"Wang Zhu Lao Zhou’s child’s best way in this situation is to operate and adopt traditional Chinese medicine to treat it conservatively. If the tumor is not controlled well, it will endanger the child’s life."
Li Chu looked down at the child in his arms and saw him staring at himself with his eyes open. He smiled and held the child in his left hand and his right hand. His chest and back seemed very casual. continuous shooting was four or five.
The young mother who kept staring at her child suddenly found that her child seemed sleepy. Usually, she first opened her mouth and yawned, then raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.
It hasn’t been a minute or two since this baby-hugging expert filmed it and the baby fell asleep.
The young mother stared at Li Chu’s child, and she knew that she had never slept so smoothly since she was born.
Seeing that the child was asleep, Li Chu put the child in the hospital bed and then looked straight down to discuss what the king and Zhou had.
"Let’s go to the conference room and tell me about your surgical plan."
"Luggage master this way, please."
"Comrade with …"
Seeing that they were leaving, the young mother hurriedly shouted
"What can I do for you?"
"You … you just put the child to sleep. Can you teach me that my child cries for half a day every time he sleeps?"
"Hehe, it’s not that I don’t want to teach, but that I can’t learn it casually. I’ve been thinking about it for more than 30 years." Li Chu explained with a smile
In this situation, her mother doesn’t know how long her child will live. Now she wants to let her relax when the child is normal.
After leaving the ward, Li Chu looked at Zhou Zhu and asked, "This lesbian is a bit unusual. Where is her lover?"
Lord Zhou looked back at the child’s mother who was talking to Lord Wang in the ward and sighed, "Xiao Chen, her lover has gone abroad, and she is a daily reporter."
"No wonder?" Li Chu nodded. "No wonder she looked so calm."
"If we don’t calm down, there’s nothing we can do. Even if we come up with a surgical plan now, we can’t tell the truth whether it will succeed. We can say that we are resigned."
"Li Zhu" then followed the vice president who didn’t speak and asked, "Do you have any better anesthesia methods in Chinese medicine?"
"Dean Zhang is worried that the amount of anesthesia in infants is not well controlled, right?"
"The biggest headache for our surgical plan now is that this operation will be very long. What if the child wakes up halfway? What if the dose causes irreversible damage to the nervous system? "
"How do you anesthetize infants under normal circumstances?"

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