He hit "Cathy" in the leg with such a powerful blow.


"Cathy" has multiple eyes, black spots and crazy rotation. Her worm leg fluff has long sensed the direction of Cui Yichen’s sword move, and the insect’s unique keen vision will see through all his false moves.
Cui Yichen jumped back cleanly and escaped another worm leg attack from Cathy.
"giggle, you are good!"
"Cathy" twisted back at an inhuman angle like a pair of pliers and knives to block Allen’s bench attack.
In an instant, the bench burst into pieces, and many small pieces of sawdust fell into Cathy’s eyes.
"Allen hugged her head!" Cui Yichen shouted
Allen looked at the ugly head and hesitated for a moment. "Cathy" is constantly shaking the worm’s head and trying to throw away those fragments.
"Quick!" Cui Yichen urged again.
Allen bullet suddenly provoked hugged "Cathy" head.
Cui Yichen’s mouth evoked a sly smile, and the carved dragon sword stabbed Cathy’s head like a flash.
The snow-white blade went straight into Cathy’s head and sank deeply into it, leaving the lifelike carved dragon hilt exposed in the ugly insect exoskeleton.
A wisp of clear liquid mixed with non-black substances slowly left from the wound.
"Great!" Allen is holding the huge worm head be in heaven. He knows that Cui Yichen’s swordsmanship can successfully defeat this terrible monster even without power blessing.
"Yes, that’s great."
Cui Yichen smiled faintly. He pulled out the dragon carving sword very quickly.
For a moment, the foul dark liquid was sprayed on Allen’s face.
"ah! !”
Allen screamed in great pain that there seemed to be several insects gnawing at her face in the liquid ejected from Cathy’s head, causing her to control her hands to fall straight to the floor.
Curled up to the extreme, his hands touched his face at random, and the stinking liquid was stained with his intact hands, and thin and dense blood beads suddenly appeared in his hands.
His face was stained with blood, and the black mucus mixed together to make his handsome face a mess.
"This is! What is this! Cui Yichen! Cui Yichen, help me! "
He closed his eyes tightly and roared.
Cui Yichen’s expression simply said, "You wait for me to wipe the horse."
Although his mouth soothed Captain Allen, he walked towards the twitching "Cathy".
Cui Yichen, the most inconspicuous character in the team, has always been silent or distributed to himself alone.
Because his abilities were almost limited by all his assistants, he used to be arrogant, and he has been dormant waiting for the right time to get rid of all this.
Unexpectedly, the opportunity came on this day, thanks to the newcomer. If he hadn’t consumed everyone to resurrect Katy Yichen, he wouldn’t have let Allen be so easily.
He gently cut open Cathy’s head with the hilt of the sword, revealing the foul-smelling and still beating green brain inside.
He held out his hand and stirred in the worm’s brain, trying not to vomit. He finally touched a hard object in the sticky cold touch and unpleasant mucus friction.
With the sticky noise, he pulled out a stain on his fingertips with a bug still struggling to swing his tentacles.
Cathy stopped twitching completely, and the whole worm collapsed to the ground.
And the worm stopped moving as if it were dead.
"Cui Yichen Cui Yichen, what are you doing? Come and save me!" The face was gnawed and the pain became more and more intense, and the face was bloody. You could almost see Bai Sensen’s skull. Rao, a battle-hardened soldier, could not resist the terror and pain. Allen screamed in fear, "Hurry up!"
"I’m coming."
Cui Yichen said casually, but nervously forced the blood drops from the fingertips on the worm.
Suddenly, the black worm reflected dark red blood, and its body fluctuated slightly like rebirth
It worked!
Cui Yichen was so excited that he could hardly hold this worm’s Jingxue feeding technique. I didn’t think that this plane could also make this worm completely recognize its own master.
And at the moment, it doesn’t need to use physical and mental strength to feed Jingxue.
"You wait for me to come and save you." He comforted Allen softly and couldn’t make him suspicious. If Allen struggled to break through the shackles and make mental powers, everything he had now would be wasted.
Allen was tortured to a faint breath, and he seemed to hear his teammates comforting him and nodded as hard as he could.
Cui Yichen held his dirty hand, and an ugly bug stuck out a black jaw and pierced Allen’s arm. The semicircle bulge slowly disappeared into his skin.
"What … what …"
This slight pain is nothing compared with the previous torture, but a strong sense of uneasiness still hangs over Allen. He tries hard to open his eyes, but it doesn’t help. It seems that he can hear some terrible, small sounds in his ear and gradually disappear into the void …
"Allen, you will be my most loyal department."
Cui Yichen pulled out a piece of white silk handkerchief and wiped his dirty hands clean and threw them on the ground. "I can’t take your power yet. I still need to worm you to help me deal with that monster in the temple."
"I wish Vivian could come alive now."
It will take some time for Allen to be alienated. Cui Yichen left his miserable teammates and strolled down the stairs to find the so-called "Jesse"
He couldn’t help laughing when he found the foul smell and saw the strange body in the tunnel. It seems that the new player has already died in this room.

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标题:广州高级按摩技师推荐:放松身心,享受专业呵护 导语:随着生活节奏的加快,工作压力的增大,越来越多的人开始注重身心健康。而按摩作为一种传统的养生方式,能够帮助缓解疲劳、舒缓压力、促进血液循环。广州作为我国南方的经济中心,拥有众多高端按摩技师,以下为您推荐几家广州高级按摩技师,让您在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静。 一、广州情缘SPA 广州情缘SPA是一家集水疗、按摩、美容、养生于一体的专业会所。这里的技师均经过严格的专业培训,拥有丰富的实践经验。以下为情缘SPA的几个特色技师推荐: 1. 小王:拥有8年以上的按摩经验,擅长中医按摩、推拿、刮痧等技艺,手法独特,能够有效缓解各种疼痛。 2. 小李:专业美容师出身,擅长面部护理、身体护理,手法细腻,能够帮助您改善肌肤状况,焕发青春光彩。 3. 小张:精通泰式按摩,手法熟练,能够有效放松肌肉,缓解疲劳,让您在舒适的环境中享受一场身心的盛宴。…